I’ve been working on an ascending scale sequence on the B string like the kind of stuff Malmsteen plays. The problem is the picking hand. I have tried many different ways of picking. I can play the lick slow and it sounds great, but to play it fast requires a different kind of picking.
I’ve tried doing tremolo picking on a single open string, and then trying to use that same motion to play this lick but I don’t know. The sound is a little rough and it sounds kinda tense because I’m using my forearm to tremolo pick and my wrist is a little more tense when I do that I and noticed that if you have tension anywhere that tension gets into your sound and your guitar does not sound very good.
I’ve tried using my thumb and forefinger too but have not had complete success with that either.
Another problem is the string acts as resistance to the pick and sometimes the pick does not go through the string but rather it gets hung up on the string because the string will not let the pick pass through it.
Just some problems.