Jeff Loomis 1991

Even back then he was so, so good. His skills are off the charts.


Ha. Ridiculous playing! I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. More evidence that most awesome players get most of their speed/chops down relatively early in their journey.

I guess I’m a little depressed that I’m literally twice the age he was in this video and I’m maybe 50% of the player he was back then haha! And that percentage goes way down when you compare it to his current level lol!

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haha, I know the feeling!

This guy always reminds me why I should quit playing the guitar.


he is amazing, and he makes it look so effortless.

Dude seriously, you’ve only been playing a year and you’re one of the best on here, you will only get better and better.

There are many people here who could eat me for breakfast, so I don’t think so :smiley:

About Jeff Loomis … I find his posture and strap length frightening, I can’t imagine how he can do all his DSX stuff while standing with this setup. Also, his music is amazing, I spent my uni years listening to Nevermore before I dropped out and I always felt like I want to destroy humanity as it is traveling home on the tram :smiley:

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Only playing one year? :astonished: Wow, that’s the fastest progress I’ve ever seen. Fair play!

If you really want to depress yourself go and listen to Alcatrazz No Parole from Rock n Roll and realise Yngwie was 19 when he recorded that! :scream: :grinning:

Huh? Has @gabrielthorn only being playing for a year? Wow! That is utterly amazing progress!


It still feels like there’s no progress :smiley: Mental blocks can be very destructive.

The progress is well documented, by yourself, in your thread. If you ever need reminding, look at your first videos and then your latest. Be proud of yourself!


I feel like I’m stuck regarding stamina. My jump from slow to moderate speeds happened in a few weeks, and I feel like I’m not making progress anymore. I ditched the metronome last week and try what Rusty Cooley is doing for building stamina. I set a timer for five mins and play a lick non-stop, pushing myself, slowing down, pushing again, etc. We’ll see if it helps to tackle that nasty, super long This dying soul unison finally.

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Well that sounds good. Try and focus on the parts that make your muscles burn though if you can pinpoint them. I know that I find certain pattern changes taxing in particular for me it’s fast changing of the index finger from one string to another and of course stretched positions to normal to stretched.

I feel metronome playing does something that forces me to play differently than normal. I feel different muscles in my picking arm activate when I do for what ever reason. It is good to do, and I do it, but odd.

I feel that too. I’m not sure what it is, and it’s not all the time, but it does happen.

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What about his posture in particular looks uncomfortable to you? I’m multitasking on a work video call, but in the stills at least, nothing looks that unusual for a technical metal player. Just curious!

Guy is insanely good, though. He’s not really my style, but he’s one of the best of the new generation of players, for sure. He hasn’t been doing much of anything since Nevermore imploded, which is a real shame.