Hey Scotty!
Nowadays we changed the language a bit to try and be more clear. The broad description of Mc Laughlin’s picking approach would be “Primary-DSX” = “Primary downstroke escape”.
In other words, his default picking motion is such that downstrokes go above the plane of the strings, so that changing strings after a downstroke is effortless for him. However, he can also modify his picking trajectory when he needs to do an upstroke string change - it’s typically obvious when he does it.
in this particular strumming section that you posted, around 1:30, my best guess is that with all this twisting that you see in this wrist/arm he is just achieving a pick trajectory that is more or less flat against the strings (except at the end points of the strum).
By the way, it may seem super strange that I suggest a Gambale video in response to a Mc Laughlin one - but this is a great lesson by Troy on pick attack that I think touches on relevant concepts (how to ensure that the pick glides smoothly across strings):