Knappsack by Steve Vai is a great example of music over picking style

You don’t learn if you don’t tease a bit man lol

Yeah it’s a contortion as we agree. I still believe the ultimate result is finger independence from that contortion. It’s semantics, you say interdependence, I say independence. It’s a different way of looking at the end result. But the first hand experience is a bunch of fingers moving individually.
I’ve never struggled playing stuff physically with that concept, I don’t think it’s fair to point out those who have, or have not struggled, there are many either side.

Ultimately I agree with you on almost everything besides the final concept. Just like how many of us differ on the final concept of god and the universe. My fingers are interdependent most certainly, but my control is independent, and it’s not slowed me down at all.

Yet the actions and majority of movement of those individuals dispite being linked is quite independent.

They have the muscle on the flexor side attached to most of them right. So the literally have a muscle associated with them, but can still be contorted individually. That why I say they ultimately are individual, as the end result is a single finger moving. Like I say I don’t disagree, but still believe they ultimately act as individual digits.

It’s how we ultimately class something, semantics. And if your students are doing good i’m not going to hate on that.

And you are kinda attacking me there. I don’t have skin in the game, you do… I’m here to express my view just as you are. I’m here to learn n interact, not dictate. I also don’t think I know better or claim really anything, I’m here as myself. This is how interactions go, I apologize if I’m annoying you. I’m happy to be challenged, it’s a learning experience. I’m very open to most things. I’ll make no comment about you. Not hear to argue in a negative way mate. Only interact in the forum. But when things start to go personal and there’s a lack of respect emerging I will just move on. I’ve not got really anything more to say on the independence thing, I am happy to just talk about something else.

I think I’ll bow out of the thread here in that case. There’s really nothing more to say except:

That really wasn’t my intention at all, and if that’s how it was read then I sincerely apologise. You’re not annoying me, I hold no grudge against your nor mean personal slight towards you. Genuinely, what I wrote I wrote in the hope it might help.

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It’s cool, I enjoyed the back n forth. Hope you’re having a good day.


I just want to point out this is how all mildly heated conversations should end. This whole thread has an element of back-and-forthyness to it (that’s a technical term), as these types of discussions usually do, and it’s important to know when we’ve reached our limit of communicating meaningful information, and are simply just repeating ourselves. Thank you to one and all!