Late greetings from Poland!

Hello! I know I am doing this whole thing backwards, but I figured out that its better late than never :slight_smile:. I am a 17yr student from Poland, and so far I had a blast lurking, and posting on the forum. I never before had such understanding of guitar technique before joining in.
I also really appreciate the whole “guitar nerd” vibe I get from the forum. I tend to overthink and overanalyze most of the things I do, so it is really nice to be a part of a community that resembles my way of thinking, and is also awesome place to geek out about guitar stuff and music in general. I really appreciate You.

Where are you in your guitar journey?

  • How many years have you been playing?
    I have been playing for about 3 years so far.
  • What musical genres are you interested in?
    Mostly rock, but I am open to all genres.
  • Particular things you’re excited to learn / talk about here?
    I would like to get my USX chops to be on point.

How have you gone about learning guitar so far?

  • Self-taught? Regular lessons with a teacher? Both?
  • Have you spent much time on technique before finding our stuff?
    Yes, quite a bit. Though I never really got fast picking stuff down before I hopped on the forum.
  • What Cracking the Code material have you watched?
    Few interviews, all seminars, and a big chunk of primer.
  • Any particular things you find yourself stuck on?
    2 strings sweeps give me the most trouble so far, but I am working on them.

Powodzenia :slight_smile:

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No siema.

Sweeping is the same as juggling, at least for me - 2 balls are awkward, three are starting to make some sense.
In essence, 2-string sweeping would be the same as “normal” economy picking. Shouldn’t be too difficult if you approach it this way.

Where are you based in Poland?

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I am trying to master yngwie/eric systems and the sweeps in economy picking give me most trouble.
In ƁódĆș.

The two string sweeps were one of the harder bits to master for me, but harder only means took a bit longer and needed perseverance and patience, once it happens it’s yours, a worthy tool.

A few observations I’ve made personally tackling them, everybody has their own approach/journey, discovering them yourself is great but I wish somebody had told me these things to save a little time:

  1. Try to keep only one finger anchored, this is often the lowest fret, and mostly on the higher string.
  2. For notes on the same fret palm muting helps maintain clarity.
  3. When changing positions, keep one finger railed on the string, lift just enough to keep touching the string so that you can use it as a guide when sliding the position. This is true for all single string position shifts as well most of the time.

Cheers :slight_smile:

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