Left handed but learnt to play right handed

Hi, all. Just joined!

I have just joined the master programme. I have noticed something that is causing me speed anxiety. I’m left handed but have learnt to play the guitar right handed. When I perform the speed motion tests , I can perform all of them quicker with my left hand. Do you think I should re-learn to play guitar left handed? Can I ever get my right hand up to the speed of my left hand. I’d be interested to have your thoughts. I feel like my playing might be at an overall disadvantage given the speed test results


There has been a couple of long discussions about this recently on here that you might want to search for.
There seems to be two points of view -

  1. Handedness doesn’t really matter as with the correct practice and training any motion is possible and there are a number of exceptional left handed players who play right handed with no trouble at all.
  2. Your dominant hand has a better response and dexterity for picking and general rhythm. I am in this group as I am a lefty who played right for 15 years and never achieved any level of speed (or comfort) playing right. I eventually made the switch after a 10 year break and never looked back. My left hand had a natural tremelo motion far quicker and more comfortable than my right ever had straight out of the box. I even switched back, flipping my lefty guitar over to try some of the motions learnt from CTC as a test, but they all feel hopeless.
    The problem with switching is It can be a long and frustrating journey to relearn as your brain thinks you can play all your old right handed licks, , but you have zero muscle memory and strength. It took me about 5 years to get to a stage where I dont think about it anymore. It was worth it saying that though as now I can play licks that were impossible before.

How long have you been playing? Have you flipped your guitar over and does it feel faster and more natural doing a tremelo with your left hand?

After seeing and hearing what Kiko Loureiro can do as a left handed guy who plays a right handed guitar, I don’t think you should worry about your decision.


As I was reading this thread I thought “I’ll bet almost no one has played x handed for years, then switched to y handed and had a success story.” That’s awesome it worked for you!!!

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Lefty who plays righty checking in. I started playing at 6 years old and didn’t know there was such a thing as a left handed guitar and neither did my family when they bought me a guitar, lol. So just played the conventional way and everything turned out fine. I wouldn’t worry about it too much!

I play guitar left handed, and other than writing/drawing, I do everything else right-handed. The speed tests are generally easier for me to perform fast with my right hand than with my left, even after almost two decades of playing. With that said, it’s taken some work, but I can hyperpick and perform other fast picking motions with my left hand. I suspect that with some work you could also get your picking hand up to speed.

With that said, I think it’s plausible that both of the points of view outlined by @DjangoUntrained have merit, because people are ambidextrous to varying degrees. Because my handedness is mixed in everyday life, maybe it’s unsurprising that I tend to lean towards the first point of view (that handedness doesn’t really matter).

Now that my picking hand works, I am grateful to have my more dexterous (ha) hand fretting, so that’s another thing to keep in mind as you weigh the decision.