Lefty from Scotland

Hi guys/girls,

I’ve been playing for over 20 years but have never been a technical wizard - I’ve learned three or four solos in my whole guitar career! I did work as a street musician for several years and earned a living - it’s true what they say that money is mostly to be found down by the nut!

I’ve been unable to play for a few months due to tendonitis in my right (fretting) hand and then had the idea of getting into playing again by doing some picking hand work while my fretting arm continues to recuperate (I’ve found an amazing approach that seems to be dealing with the root cause of my tendonitis but that’s another story).

Lo and behold the same day I decide this, Troy’s “clock” video comes up in my youtube feed. I’ve wanted to try the CTC stuff for a while now but the crosspicking stuff is right up my alley being that I’m an indie/rock rhythm player rather than a metalhead.

I’ve gone through the first couple recommended videos and really like what I see both in terms of content and the structure of the platform (loopable videos, bookmarks & forum). I’m already making some progress on the crosspicking and look forward to becoming a new player!


Hey, welcome to the forum! Sorry to hear about the tendonitis, hope that continues to improve and you enjoy the picking hand work in the meantime. Great to hear you like the site so far and are seeing progress with crosspicking. If you have any questions / suggestions please feel free to post here any time!

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