Les Paul- the guitarist not the guitar

Here is a fun clip of the incredible Les Paul in the 50’s clearly showing his right hand approach, especially around 1:03.
He uses USX gypsy jazz style with rest-strokes and economy picking through the scale, but then watch as he switches to wrist based DSX picking for single string tremolo. And yes he is playing along with his own double speed track but he definitely can play the lines at this tempo. Also, he invented everything :slight_smile:


I’ve never seen that one (it is outstanding), but my favorite is likely still the following (and note his perfect ergonomics),

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For some reason he didn’t unleash the fury on this Coors commercial, but I love it none the less:

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Yeah I think by this time the arthritis in the hands started to set in.
I saw him in the 80’s in New York, Fat Tuesdays. Jimmy Page was in the audience, with a hot blonde, both high as a kite it seemed. After acknowledging him, Les said on the mic “I’ve seen you play boy- you can’t pick your notes!” I will never know what he meant, a joke, a dis, a little of both? I got Jimmy’s autograph after. What a night!