Hey peoples, hope everything’s going well for you thus far!
I’ve always loved traditional fingerstyle classical guitar, and the arpeggiated sound it mostly focuses on.
I took a few months of classical guitar lessons, and I quickly discovered I absolutely hate my nails , so, for now, I’ve stopped - while I can technically play some fun stuff, I dislike the tone my nails produce. I still want to imitate that sound, though.
This, I believe, leaves me with two options - fingerstyle electric, and hybrid.
I’ve been collecting videos and lessons for a while, so I have a few on hybrid - most notably Rick Graham’s hybrid workout. Problem is, most of these focus on using just the middle (and at best ring) to facilitate shreddy-type string change stuff that would otherwise be two-way escaped, like Rick Graham and Marshall Harrison’s style.
I, on the other hand, want to get closer to stuff like Opeth’s Patterns in the Ivy 1, the intro to Nevermore’s The River Dragon Has Come, and in general, classical-style sort of polyphonic playing, but maybe with some ambient delay/reverb stuff.
So, question:
Is it even worth taking my Giuliani etudes and doing them hybrid-style (pick, middle, ring, pinky) instead of the traditional PIMA?
I know Index + Middle are the most independent fingers, so classical focuses rather hard on IM and IA alternating patterns, and Middle + Ring would probably never get me to the same speed, let alone adding the pinky.
I’ve been goofing around, and I can sort of see the potential of pick + middle + ring, but I’m unclear if it offers any actual advantages over just two-way escape or even economy picking arpeggiated triads. It produces a different sound, sure, and I can sort of do harmonic intervals with two-string skip inbetween.
Compared to fingerstyle classical, and having the thumb play the lowest strings and index middle ring on the highest, I don’t know if it even makes sense to practice this.
Anyone have any experience with this use of hybrid picking?
edit: hurr it’s the Giuliani etudes not Sor