I made the switch to forearm rotation a little less than a year ago. I thought it was going decent at first, but after posting here I found that at some point I had drifted from forearm rotation and was using a wrist/elbow combo.
In the air, I can do the rotation movement at pretty high speeds, very relaxed, and for a decent amount of time. So what I’ve been working on, is holding the pick, doing the motion in the air, and bringing it to the strings, while tremolo picking the whole time. When I touch the strings, I get a few seconds of success before the tension kicks in and other muscle groups engage. My longest bout is probably about 5 seconds.
The reason I do this, is because I haven’t had any luck getting the motion going when I start picking the strings right away. The motion feels clunky, slow, and requires much more effort when I do it this way. It feels like it’s coming from a muscle group closer to the elbow, when the relaxed motion comes from a group closer to the wrist.
My question, is should I continue the path I’m on, and try work on lengthening these intervals where it’s working, until I can do it without issue? Or would a better path be to start on the strings, and work on altering the motion until it’s the same as my “air picking” motion?
Any insight is much appreciated!