Maintenance costs of DWPS, UWPS, TWPS and crosspicking

After about 3y of CTC treatment I have practiced a fair amount of DWPS, UWPS and TWPS stuff (I haven’t touched crosspicking yet - still too scary).

I am finding that the one-way techniques can be maintained with relatively little practice (except perhaps the control of timing in sweeps), while my TWPS suffers as soon as I leave it alone for a few days.

What about the rest of you coders?


I 100% agree. There are some times when the 2wps stuff just isn’t there. Meanwhile I could take off from the guitar for years and come back with dwps and be fine. It makes you wonder if this extra stuff is even worth it.


I have a similar experience, but I think that it also depends on the type of TWPS you use. When I first learned it, I simply put DWPS and UWPS together and switched between them when necessary. Some time later I found out that I played some licks with the MAB style where I only rotated to DWPS for one note and went back to UWPS (which is interesting because I considered DWPS to be my main technique). The first kind of TWPS seems harder for me to maintain, while the second one isn’t any harder than one way pickslanting.


I do the same. However sometimes I honestly find it so comfortable to just use strict dwps and not worry about having to alt pick everything. It’s freeing in a way despite its obvious limitations.


I know what you are talking about. 2WPS not only involves feeling comfortable in both directions… but feeling comfortable and precise doing the slant change itself. And on top of that… I remember mixing in economy picking into all of this. It was a lot of stuff to maintain.

But I’m happy I did this… since I was at a plateau… and all these new mechanics gave me a lot more things to explore. And ironically… it led me to my current form which is ‘slantless’… But I still do a bit of pseudo-2wps when I do high speed 3 note per string runs where I arc more on one side than the other when I am string changing.

The only mechanic I can say that I regret learning was economy picking. I know there are others that are excellent economy pickers… but I could never get it to sound the way I wanted it to.

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Thats the same way i feel about twps and thats the reason i try to include it every time I practice even if it is for 10 min just to keep it flowing just fine however sometimes it feels that it just doesnt flow in the lower strings i dont know if its because it requieres more practice down there or if my string tracking across the strings is just wrong and not helping anyways i feel that by practicing more twps I dont even have to think when im playing strictly lines with uwps and dwps