Former failing trailing edge picker, see this video (3:49) for proof of my string hopping, swiping suckage. I hold the pick with my index and thumb knuckle still.
Then my rebirth as a leading edge picker, complete with crosspicking and two way pickslanting…and SCAT SINGING!
I hold a BFA from Columbia College Chicago and managed to slip through the cracks of academia as a trailing edge, stringhopping mess. Troy is dead nuts on when he talks about what other instrumentalists are able to do. I sing, and play banjo, bass, drums, and pedal steel guitar. I view his analysis of patterns analogous to drum rudiments. My bandmate, Judson Brown and I trade guitarmonies and both are fluent in pickslanting and crosspicking, since making the switch over two years ago. We still tell people we’ve only been playing for a few years.