Marty Friedman video where he plays old solos he did?

Awhile ago I saw a video on youtube of Marty talking about, and then playing old solos he recorded, I can’t find it at all, does anyone know the video I’m on about? They played multiple videos he did ages ago and he replicated them. Explaining his thoughts.

I can’t believe how hard it is to find certain things you’ve seen before… it should come up with the right words in a search but apparently not.

One of the main things I’m after is an old video where he literally hammers away at a note bending nonstop but makes it musical.

Is it this?

This is how I figured out how he played the solos in Hangar 18.

Also, his Hot Licks video is a goldmine for pretty much every type of lick he does, at least the right hand patterns. If you’re trying to get his stuff by ear, I’d highly recommend checking that video out. I was able to figure out a lot of the faster patterns in Inferno from having a knowledge of his licks from this video.

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It’s not those, it’s a video of him with another person sat down, talking about his past playing, and he was explaining and repeating them, before cacophony I think (the examples), there was a particular old video of him hammering away very aggressively at a note and short lick over n over, like non stop. I thought it was such a great example of playing very little yet getting so much out of it.

Finding stuff these days is incredibly hard even tho theres just some random video of it on youtube somewhere. I can’t believe how hard it’s become to find specific videos.

I think that’s this video?:

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From my memory it might of been that recording, but they don’t go over his old solos. It will be obvious if you find it, as they play old solos and then marty replicates them.

Topic aside, wow. Marty is amazing.


Yeah that should be the video. They take a look at solos he did on his Vixen demo (I think?). He references having to go back to Uli Jon Roth’s earliest solos when he was a kid because he had a hard time figuring out Uli’s more complicated stuff.

I’m a pretty huge Marty fan (his solo stuff more than his Megadeth years, although Rust in Peace is top notch thrash metal), and I think I’ve seen just about every instructional uploaded to YouTube. So unless there’s another elusive video, that should be the one.

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It’s not on there this is before he hired a human finger capo to mute strings I think? lol
I’ll try make a video on it, should show the idea.

here Thats the kinda thing he was doing, I’ve searched for a few hours n given up. Thats the kind of force he was doing it in, I’m just hitting the guitar.

Maybe this is the video you were talking about? Even if it isn’t its an amazing video, and this channel has tons of rarer shows and home video/lessons from tons of guitarists.