Mechanical solutions for YYZ's riff?

I played this for a senior talent show in HS. My friend played bass, but was also a guitar player. He could play both parts flawlessly, while I struggled. I didn’t know anything about pick slant at the time. I was frankly, pissed, because I could play really fast Yngwie stuff, but this riff! My solution was to actually move it to have two notes on a string on the first riff. It’s a bit of a stretch, as you move to the next pentatonic position, but it solved a lot of the picking problems in doing so. I realize it’s not authentic, but it works.

You have no idea what a relief it is to hear someone say that.

This riff isn’t particularly fast compared to what shredders routinely run at.

“16ths at 141 bpm…how hard could it be?”

Three string changes in as many notes in the middle of the phrase, while playing 16ths at 141 bpm.
