Melodic ideas (subject/answer)

Hey what’s up so today I just didn’t feel like practicing my usual stuff so I decided to watch a lecture on Bach’s fugues (because that’s a really common thing to do when you are bored right?) anyways I just thought on sharing this information because I think it is valuable and when it comes to developing melodies a lot of us are in the same boat . So on the video they introduce this subject

the professor explained that in order to generate a real answer you just play the subject starting from the fifth (using the same intervals) so this means a change from D- to A- and to make it a tonal answer just modified the intervals so it stays on D- (in this case instead of E being the 2nd note it would be D) so up until this point everything was making sense but later he said that you could also invert the first subject, and this is where I got lost because he played this and I didn’t saw how this was related to the first subject

so after a research I learn how he inverted the melody using intervals (instead of going up you go down) and if you star from the tonic it will look like this

so now it makes sense, he just moved the inversion to the fifth (or he probably started working from the fifth using the same intervals, either way gets you to the same place). I have to admit that this is fascinating to me because I just can see a lot use for this stuff, and to be honest I want to get more into it (at least until its clear) so I know there are some teachers here and I just wanted to ask if someone knows any good books that cover this stuff, because how do you even use this info? I know creativity and imagination have no limits but I’m sure there has to be some kind of rules to handle this, and maybe you can learn this by reading and listening to Bach’s music but I think it will take a lot of years haha anyways I hope this was useful


Ted Greene was the master of Bach on guitar. Check out the baroque improv videos on YouTube. Completely mind blowing. After you put your life back together from the shock, go check out the ted Greene web site. There is a gold mine worth of info there but beware… It is not for the faint of heart.