Hello… I have a mesa ta-30 combo …I bought the amp in 2011 and this summer i changed all of the power tubes because it was creating weird noises, hum voume drops etc. but the problem is still going on. I sometimes use the amp with captor x attenuation. thinking about repacing the preamp tubes as well but they say preamp tubes wear out seldomly. The problem mostly happens in the drive channels .So for now at home i use a drive pedal.
Also in my country the official disributor does not have tubes in stock or technical service. I had to order the tubes from abroad which is a hassle. This is a nice amp in my opinion but i can’t use it at band rehearsals because of this problem.
Do you have any solutions/ideas about what the problem might be?
i posted a video about this problem. Maybe the video explains it better than i do
thanks in advance
Here is the link: