More fun E and G position licks to steal and make your own!

Worked out a couple fun lines while noodling around yesterday. One’s a shreddy little chromatic line that kinda sounds like something Ian Thornley would play but down low in the E position, and another little bluegrass lick followed by a funky sounding tritone turnaround inspired by something I heard in “Got Lonely Too Early This Morning”. I didn’t transcribe them this time cuz I’m pretty sure 90% of it is just frets 1-3 lol. There’s so much mileage you can get out of those first 3 frets and it’s something I never really picked up on until I started playing a lot of acoustic guitar.

There’s some hybrid picking in there which may be CtC sacrilege but these were kind of off the cuff lines that ended up sounding cool so none of the pickstrokes were micromanaged to the degree that they were in my last little lick post - just did what felt easiest and that’s probably the way to go to figure out what works best for you!


DUDE! The lick at 30 seconds is savage. I love it.


hahah thanks man! It definitely takes the ear by surprise :joy:

HAH that’s the most amazingly round-about way to sneak into a G-lick that I’ve ever heard. Nice!

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I feel like I’ve gotten to that nerd point of trying to make some kind of musical joke every time I ad lib a phrase lol

Awesome playing. :laughing:


disguise a 0-3-5 into every solo and be the viral sensation you were born to be! :smiley:


Well these are pretty rad, I must say.

I love the lick starting around 0:07 so I took a shot at transcribing the first part. Done as if in open E, b/c it’s capo’d:

E --------0-2-3-4-0-2-3-2-0-1-2-1-0------------
B --0-2-3---------------------------3-0-2-3-2-0-1-2-1-0---2-0-
G ------------------------------------------------------3-----

Also, I’m pretty sure the last blazing lick goes something like this:

G -----3--5--------3--6--4------
D --5--3--5-----5--3--6--7------
A --5-----------5-------
E --------------------

Heart-emoji! jz

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Damn dude nice job! That first little alt picked phrase is something like a go to line for me on electric guitar but I’d always play it around the 7th or 9th fret; never tried it in the open E position before. I think it works reasonably well - lets you go full Django and only use two fingers lol.