Mr. Crowley, a cheap speaker, and playing to my strengths

Hello fellow hyper-pickers,

I am learning Mr. Crowley and decided to give the solo a slight twist and re-arrange a few bars here and there so they adapt better to things I can do already. Some parts of Randy’s original solo don’t seem to flow in my hands and I am happy with my adaptation so far.

Also, I am at peace with my trailing edge RDT-ish technique, which has helped me play comfortably like never before. This is still a work in progress and I am rushing some parts. However, the feeling that the music flows naturally without a lot of physical effort is very rewarding.

Special thanks to @Tom_Gilroy , @eric_divers for your technical insight.

PS: Sorry for the low quality audio. All I have available today is the cheapest bluetooth speaker you could possibly imagine LOL.


WHOA how did you hit the pinch with trailing edge wtf

I’ve noticed that all it takes to find the sweet spot for the pinch harmonic is to move my hand about an inch closer to the neck, compared to how I’d do it with a leading edge grip.

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also, I’ve mentioned this before, but your 2NPS licks terrify me lol