Howdy. Troy, Brendan, please let me know if it’s not kosher to post a link to my own website. Not trying to spam here as I think obviously this is an important topic and maybe what I’ve learned from my experiences could help other serious practicers.
So we had this thread on injury prevention a while back where I included a bunch of my notes and advice that I generally give to students.
Since then I still get asked about these issues a lot because unfortunately I’ve had a lot of bad problems with pain related to playing, things have set me back a lot at different times in my life.
I decided to compile all the notes into one place and organize them a bit so I can just give people a link when the subject comes up:
That way also if I think of more things to add I can just do it to that link.
I figured it could be especially useful to share here as I’d imagine most of us are on some level working on very challenging technical guitar playing, and the risk with this kind of music is much higher.
Anyway, for anybody having issues with pain or wondering about strategies to prevent developing issues, I hope there’s some use or at least good food for thought in my informal article there.
Open to any questions or comments, typos, corrections, hah.