My intro Hi ALL

Hey, welcome to the forum! Posting here is a great way to help us get to know you. Below are a few suggestions to consider mentioning. (Nothing mandatory; please introduce yourself as you see fit!)

Where are you in your guitar journey? Top end of intermediate

  • How many years have you been playing?off and on 60 years
  • What musical genres are you interested in? no limit but mainly Blues and Rock
  • Particular things you’re excited to learn / talk about here? I value any knowledge that can improve my attempts at playing music

How have you gone about learning guitar so far? My main source of knowledge I derive from a course by Jim Gleason called RPM which covers just about anything to do with GUITAR PLAYING from blues to jass and even classical many years back I bought all his materials including videos ,cd’s, books etc . but only recently have had enough time to devote to the course

  • Self-taught? Regular lessons with a teacher? Both? referring to the above only self taught
  • Have you spent much time on technique before finding our stuff?generally about 2.5 hrs a day on technique and scales (that is finger board time), plus about half on rhythm and songs and and upto 30 mins on ear training , music theory about an hour
  • What Cracking the Code material have you watched? just cursory a few of your Youtube stuff
  • Can you comfortably play a scale? At roughly what speed? It seems to vary upto 140 bpm + But I am not certain that I am actually playing at that speed (It seems so when I play , with the metronome
  • Any particular things you find yourself stuck on? I was unhappy with my sound generated by my pick I had experimented with playing in a similar fashion to the code’s and found it to be much smoother and fuller and then stumb
    led onto the code

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