My new favorite scale, Augmented

How have I never seen this scale or mentioned of it in not very many places is crazy?!

It appears to basically be the augmented triad but with a overlapping of 3 different harmonic tetrachords. It sounds amazing on synth, the only fingering that I have found on it that you might could blaze through would be the C augmented scale, B C D# E G Ab. To show you what I mean here is it in Ian Ring’s scale finder.


That’s a very cool sound and I loved the video with the composition and film score examples.

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Ah the Neptune scale.

This is the peak of unsettling mystery in scoring though.


If you have a synth or piano you got to try this part. You can do it with all minor chords, and also all major chords. Then as its ringing out, play the scale descending from the highest register.