My picking technique - UWPS with a downward slant?

Very nice playing!! That’s some great technique.

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As an update on all this, I got RSI in my picking wrist so I can’t progress with it for a while :frowning: typical…
When it’s better I’ll be back with a vengeance and with more videos and updates.

Sorry to hear that. Is this a recurring issue or did you do something different this time?

Sorry man, Hope you get better soon.

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I’ve had it only once before, about a year ago, in my elbow. It was from trying to push that fast thrash downpicking speed higher and at the time I was using elbow movement a lot and it was pretty tense. After that I actually consciously stopped using elbow as a result and tried to go with just wrist from then on (so this technique ive been showing in this thread I only really developed over the last year). Now I’ve got it in my wrist, go figure.
My thinking was that, if I can push my absolute (tense) maximum speed higher then my relaxed ‘cruising’ speed will go up with it. Maybe not the most sensible way to do it. But anyway I’m pretty much happy with where my top relaxed speed is now, somewhere around the master of puppets mark, so I don’t see myself doing much more of this intense metronome athletic training from now on - not really worried about it happening again. Just gotta wait it out for a few weeks and ease back into it. It sucks cos I’m dying to try out all the interesting stuff we talked about in this thread!


Gotcha. Wait it out for sure. Playing with RSI is playing with fire!