Need help with my picking technique

Hello guys! I’m pretty new to cracking the code and after going through the primer i’m trying to play something which Troy was playing in a video, a 5 note pattern. I am interested if i’ve understood correctly what he says and if i should pursue trying to improve this, or attempting to fix the issues.

Am i doing the “string hop” or is it okay? Cheers for your answers!

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Hey @Ovidiu_Ban welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

I modified the youtube link so that it embeds here. This can be achieved by just pasting the link in its own line:


youtube link

more text

This looks wuite good - even though it’s a bit hard to hear with the unplugged guitar.

Is this the fastest you can do it and is it tiring?

In general this is the only reliable test we have for efficient technique: if you can play it fast (even if the notes are not fully correct) then you are on the right track!

If you get stuck at low-moderate speed and you have the feeling that your hand/arm gets tired quickly, then the technique is probably inefficient.

So your next homework is to check what happens when you play this lick as fast as you can. I’d suggest also to post separately the normal and slow motion videos to make the analysis easier.

Cheers! Considering my left hand being accurate(ish), yea atm this is the fastest, the right hand doesnt feel tiring at all, nor like this is the speed it could go to. I will try to upload better & embed it in the post next time! Sorry for the rookie mistake and cheers for fixing it. I will work on what you said

Hey @Ovidiu_Ban,

I forgot to mention that it would be useful to look at a video of your tremolo picking on a single string: just pick a single note on a single string as fast as you can and let us have a look :slight_smile:

I’m assuming the various repeated downstrokes are intentional in your previous video, and the speed may just be enough to rule out hopping - but I am not sure at this stage.

The “tremolo test” is probably the easiest way to check that you are going in the right direction :slight_smile: