Hey guys. I’ve been playing guitar for about 15 years and when I was younger I had a very efficient motion. speedpicking and especially tremolo was easy for me and never strenuous. i learned and perfected a wrist motion that worked for me.
Well fast forward too now and I completely lost it… I don’t even know how it happened. I now have to use a lot of my elbow and angle the pick away from me to get any speed at all and it hurts after awhile. I kinda went on a hiatus from speed picking and tremolo for learning djenty groove rhythm stuff so it’s 100% my fault… but I didn’t think id just completely not be able to do it anymore. I worked so hard to get there and now I can’t undo it. its like I don’t even know where to start anymore.
I listed a link to how I use to pick and what I have to do now to get any speed at all. any advice would be so helpful! its my favorite hobby and now I feel like just giving it up since I’m going backwards. thanks!
EDIT: it won’t let me send a link to the present vid of how I pick unless I post it on YouTube so I can do that later but can someone identify how I use to pick? such as the angle? is it just wrist? what I do now is just completely opposite. its all elbow with a locked wrist so trying to get back