New and Don't Know Where to Get Started

Where are you in your guitar journey?

  • How many years have you been playing?
  • I used to play a little bit years ago, but just picked up the guitar again about 2 months ago.
  • What musical genres are you interested in?
  • Primarily all forms of metal, but I really listen to everything from Jazz, Blues, and R&B to top 40 and etc. Metal is my first love, however.
  • Particular things you’re excited to learn / talk about here?
  • I’m really just looking to improve overall technique and glean insight as to what has been working for other people. I’m really interested in phrasing.

How have you gone about learning guitar so far?

  • Self-taught? Regular lessons with a teacher? Both?
  • Let’s go with both. I just started taking lessons recently, and I’m enjoying them, but they’re more theory focused.
  • Have you spent much time on technique before finding our stuff?
  • A little bit. I definitely know my way around a metronome and its subdivisions.
  • What Cracking the Code material have you watched?
  • I’ve gotten along enough of it to be familiar enough with what the different motions are as well as what pickslanting is. From what I gather I use more of a DBX approach from the sounds of it, which I think I may have developed trying to alternate pick arpeggio sequences that I should’ve been sweeping.
  • Can you comfortably play a scale? At roughly what speed?
  • I can play some 3NPS comfortable at 1/8 triplets and Single String scales. 5 String picked arpeggios with multiple shape changes I’m at around 96BPM sixteenth notes.
  • Any particular things you find yourself stuck on?
  • A little bit of everything! Right now I’m stuck on what exercises to use for my practice block from CtC or the seminars.