No only do your hands get faster with practice, but your ears do as well

It’s a big thing I’ve noticed over the years as my playing and speed have improved: that what used to sound fast no longer does. I can actually hear the individual notes where before it was just a sonic blur. I’m reminded of that scene in the 2002’s “Spider-Man” movie, where Flash throws a punch at Peter, and Peter watches it approach in slow motion, easily dodging it.

I assume most of you have experienced the same thing as your guitar powers improve, yes?


Some decent ear training with an ear training app helps as well.

Or singing in a choral type setting.

I think learning exclusively with tab for the first nearly decade of playing hampered my ear immensely.

Or expert mode try learning a fretless instrument, like slide or fretless bass.

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I’d add a vast improvement in the ability to memorize as well, especially if you’re trying to learn solos note for note.

I had the same debit card # for 7 or 8 years and I never remembered the damn number. I recently got a new one and with all of the practicing and such that I’ve been doing these last 6 months, I committed that # to memory at first glance…. And I’m old… lol

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