Ola Englund trailing edge picking video

I found this cool video of Ola showing his picking technique, some nice CTC approved angles too. I think he’s using the side of the pick - can anyone else confirm?

I notice guys who have this grip mostly just do low-string speed riffing. It seems like an approach locked into one kind of application with the pick in slice and dice mode. I have a friend who can do this all day but he chokes on scales. I like how Ola relaxes it up a bit with a mix of mechanics when getting off the lowest string.

Are there any guys out there who pick like this and have a really versatile style? I’d like to look more into how they handle typical playing situations outside of the djent or speed stuff on a couple of strings.

Yeah there are quite a few… Shawn Lane, Bruce Bouillet, Trevor Rabin, Chris Poland, George Benson, Adam Rogers…

EDIT: Sorry, @Jakku, it’s actually Adam Rogers who blazes with trailing edgepicking.


Great list. Thanks! I should have remembered about Benson. self slap


Do you guys thinks it’s worth it to practice this trailing edge technique just for rhythm stuff involving heavy downstrokes parts ? I was going up the bpm through the Master of Puppets intro + verse the other day and I noticed a difference in efficiency when trying using the trailing edge.

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It’s certainly worth trying if you’re noticing a difference and it’s making things more efficient. I play using trailing edge picking all the time because it enables me to keep my wrist in what I think is a more natural position than if I was using either DWPS or UWPS. This natural wrist position might be where it’s working for you.

yes, he’s definitely using the side of the pick. Is this trail edge picking?

meaning it got better or worse?

It got better !
(here is fill up text to go up to 20 characters, but why ? :smiley: ?)

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