On learning songs: my new approach

Hi all!

I have implemented a new way of learning songs that I’d like to share with you. I did not reinvent the wheel. I just did something that I should have done a long time ago.

Here are the steps:

  1. Download the mp3 of the song you wish to learn
  2. Using a software like Audacity, carefully split the song into phrases that you can learn separately. Give them ordered numbers as names and put them in the same folder with the original mp3.
  3. Use your favorite media player to open part #001 and put it in an endless loop.
  4. Play along the original until you are fully comfortable with the phrase. Try to guess the notes instead of using tabs.
  5. Increment the part number and go back to step 3.

This is working for me so far and I am really enjoying it. I realized that one of the main reasons learning a song was boring for me is that I constantly had to use the mouse to navigate back and restart the part I needed to learn. The limitation of this method is that it works better with melodic lines. If the song has plenty of weird chord successions, then it becomes a challenge. But maybe it’s still worth it.

What I like about this approach is:

  • it’s less boring: you keep your hands on the guitar. No need to keep navigating back to the part you want to replay.
  • it’s more effective: because it helps you focus on the bits that you struggle with. Not spend most of your time playing parts that you already know how to play.
  • it’s a good training for your ears because you don’t use tabs.
  • it adapts the song to your playing technique: since you don’t follow any tabs, you will by nature choose patterns that fit your technique.
  • learning new cool phrases that you could use elsewhere: playing the same phrase over and over again without having to restart the song from the beginning helped me use those phrases out of the context of the song I was learning.

It’s basically approaching a big problem step by step to not be overwhelmed. Again, nothing new here.

What do you guys think of this approach. How do YOU learn songs?


You can buy transcribe. It is a little genius piece of software that can slow down audio, you can make markings on the wave itself, and make little loops. It works with video as well. Can’t be easier than this!!!


I use Transcribe too, it’s a great piece of software and was well worth every penny.

I loop the intro until I can play it, move on to the next section and build up the song until I can play the rhythm parts. After that I go back and learn the lead guitar parts.


So, somebody actually thought of this, made a software out of it and is now making tons of money?

I am chocked!

Thanks guys. I will give it a try!

Cheers \m/


You can loop things with VLC player. It also can slow down things. It’s not as versatile as Transcribe software but it is a good starting point that is free. Recently I did one transcription using only VLC and it was a totally fine tool.


This is too funny—I’ve recently started doing the same thing and just this morning I was writing up “my” method. :slight_smile:


Definitely a smart approach.


I don’t know how much he makes off of it (Transcribe!), but some of the best supported software in the software universe with free updates.

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Haha, please free to share your approach in this thread. I am curious to know how you did it!

Here’s my system for learning songs:

How To Learn A Song

Please forgive the half-assed nature of the site; it’s still in its infancy.


Nah, it’s totally fine. I myself have started some kind of project or ambition way too many times and way too often I would fail even before starting the execution phase. And here you have a full site!
Yeah, it may not be perfect, there may be some small changes that could improve it but the most important thing is that you actually did something. Give yourself credit for that :wink: :+1: