One of the videos doesn't fit?

Hi there, I’ve been watching Pickslanting Primer I’m now at the Picking Motion Tutorials sections and I’m trying to learn the Reverse Dart Thrower motion. I’ve watched some of the videos and suddenly the fourth one (Chapter 4 - Pickslanting For Double Escape) seems to be about a completely different wrist movement. Am I not getting something? Cause I really want to learn these things.

Sorry for the confusion! Are you referring to the fact that the tutorial is about reverse dart motion and this lesson mentions “double escape”? If so, I understand!

Reverse dart refers to a general category of wrist motions where the joint motion is roughly similar to the motion you make when using an ergonomic mouse. However within that, the wrist can make slightly different directions of motion to create different escapes: downstroke, upstroke, and double. So we didn’t switch it up on you - reverse dart refers to the general type of wrist motion you’re learning, and the escape refers to specifically which variant of it we’re talking about.

As a generic starting point, what we’re showing you in these lessons is the double escape variant. The form for this actually permits both double escape AND downstroke escape, due to the pickslant and pick attack. The actual explanation is somewhat technical, but the bottom line is that if you can position yourself according to the basic form in the tutorial, it’s a good starting point for playing a wide variety of lines, which is why we choose to start there.

If you’re not super clear at this point what I mean by escape, and how downstroke, upstroke, and double escapes are different, that’s ok at this step. The most important first goal is just getting a fast easy motion of any type happening from this ergonomic positioning.

If you make a few attempts at that and you’re not sure how well it’s working, definitely make a TC in your account and we’re happy to take a look!


The video includes Magnet examples of you (Troy) and Andy Wood that are a tiny bit confusing to me. While I can see the underside of Andy’s forearm, one of the indicative features of reverse dart thrower, but it also looks like the base of his palm is resting on the strings, something you say is indicates it is not a reverse dart thrower motion. I the examples of you playing, in the same video, I don’t see your palm going to the strings. I realize this is way in the weeds, but that’s what this is all about, right?

Do you think I’m missing something, or not seeing things correctly? Or is it just that there are a zillion shades of gray here, and maybe the visible underside of the forearm is a stronger indicator than the base of the palm on the strings is a counter-indicator?

Thanks for even reading this!

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