Oops I did it again…

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I’ll check this out later, but when Britney first came out with Baby One More Time, and I hadn’t seen or heard her yet, a band mate described her as a “hot chick dressed as a schoolgirl singing over an Yngwie progression”. haha

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This is funny, just the other day I had that “I’m not that innocent” lyric stuck in my head and I couldn’t remember which Britney song it was from. Instead of googling the lyric like a smart person I just called up the couple tunes of hers I thought it was and tried fast forwarding till I found it. “Hit me baby one more time” was where I started, and I kept waiting for that line but it just didn’t happen so I moved on. Can’t remember which song I tried next but it was similar where I kept waiting for that line, since it sounded like it could happen any minute, but it was again the wrong tune. What I’m getting at is what we all know, she (like plenty of pop artists and even non-pop artists) has lots of songs that sound the same.

But now I’m curious if those other songs had a similar chord progression or if it was just the general beat/tempo and production. Not curious enough to listen again though lol! I like me some good pop, but I’ll opt for Ed Sheeran or ColdPlay to scratch that itch. Britney’s stuff was fun when it came out. And since I was in high school when she arrived on the scene I was of course smitten like most guys in my age range. Still, I’ll pass now that I know where that lyric was from and it’s not bugging me anymore.

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Max Martin wrote a lot of her best stuff, including this masterpiece.


BOTH of these artists have worked with Max Martin, I did a very quick search and am not sure how deeply the collaboration runs.

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There’s a documentary on Netflix called “This is Pop” and there’s an episode where they talk about the Swedes. Cheiron studios, Denniz Pop, his proteges like Max Martin and the empire they have built and maintained for going on about 30 years. When people say “pop music all sounds the same” I’m actually impressed that it sounds as diverse as it does since it’s been pretty much monopolized by one man for so long.

No one leads into a chorus like Max Martin

This is a pretty cool vid that illustrates his near command of the industry for three decades.

Beato did a breakdown of one of the songs he’s written. The amount of tracks makes the final mix truly impressive.

Somehow forgot to post this. RIP Wildchild.


How was he able to separate all of the tracks?!

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Same here,

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Probably got the stems from an industry friend that’s how he gets a lot of stuff.


You can do it online MVSEP - Music & Voice Separation

It’s fun running your mp3s through this and seeing how the stems are. You can also do it on your own computer, but it’s pretty hard to set up and install (at least for me). Here’s a starting point spleeter · PyPI