Hey all! Finally started learning sweeping, and currently working on this passage from perpetual burn:
I’m trying to play this pattern as follows: downward pickslanting sweep the G14, B13, and e12, upstroke on the e17, pull of and change to downward pickslant on the e12, upward pickslanting sweep the B13, G14, and G14. I use the index finger to play the e12, the middle to play B13, the ring to play G14, and the pinky to play D14.
The problem is that when I go to hit the D14 with my pinky, my ring finger slides down one fret to the 13th fret, which creates a faint major interval that’s definitely not correct.
I’ve thought about barring with my ring finger, but I like the feel of using the pinky more, since it doesn’t make me flatten a finger to the fretboard.
Is my attempt at fingering this possible to repeat consistently and cleanly at high speeds, or should I just go for the bar? If it is possible, any suggestions on practice routines to get it clean (not have that slide to the 13th fret on the G)?