Overdue realization about Major Pentatonic scale

So this may be old hat to many of you, but I was just trying to drill the sound of the Major Pentatonic scale into my head, and realized that the opening riff to The Temptations’ “My Girl”, is literally straight ascending Major Pentatonic. Just had to get that off my chest.

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Edit: to appear at least slightly on topic I’ll post a link to that song :slight_smile:

I may be going off topic here, but a very cool and angular sounding thing you can do with pentas over major 7 chords (typically justified in a jazz context) is to play a minor pentatonic that has the root on the maj7 of the chord.

E.g. A minor penta over Bb maj 7.

In terms of intervals it gives you the 2, 3, #4, 6 and 7. So it’s all the lydian stuff minus the power chord :slight_smile: