Paul Gilbert String Skipping Arpeggio in Tokyo

Hello everyone!! I’m trying to learn the first 2 minutes of this incredible solo by Paul Gilbert. I’ve learned the first two phrases and trying to speed them up at the moment, but I’m stuck at this string skipping arpeggios he starts doing at 0.59. Could anyone help me with the pick strokes? Because that’s my main issue with it.

Here is the tab in order to help you help me! :grin:

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Paul in his super cheesy “im a big star” phase

u checked his instructional vids online?

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Thank you for the vids! I’ve watched most of them and even though they’re helpful, he doesn’t explain how he re-starts the lick I’m showing on the tab.

It’s D-D-D and then what?

ill take a stab and see what others say

ignoring the pulls and hammers

D D D D U D D D D U (thats first bar)

that would be a ‘sweep’ going from the 5th note to the 6th…so I dunno if Paul would do that or not

then again, I bet we can find world class players who use different picking directions than Paul on this lick (so in a sense its whatever works best for you)

he really was in japan back in the mid 90s…

married a japanese girl, right?

yeah, mr.big got pretty big over there, never really did too well anywhere else. but gilberts a pretty big name over there, not malmsteen big, but pretty big.

yeah, that video came to mind. i always wonder what wouldve happened if he came 10 years earlier, he really got to the shred party late. imagine if he released his solo album in like 1984-85.

2 japanese dudes chillin

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Hi Bill! Fun fact - the YouTube player has a speed control. It’s in the gear menu. Just pop it down into .25 speed, and you’ll have no problem seeing which pickstrokes are which. The interview clip where he’s sitting in the workshop has clear closeups for this.

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Thanks for the suggestion Troy! I took a closer look on that with the slow motion enabled and I saw what he does on a very similar pattern, but it’s still a bit different, so I can’t be 100% sure about what to use.

I’ll try what I think it’s right and I’ll find my way through trial and error.

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For anyone interested, this is what I came up with:


Man, Gilbert is such a great teacher. Even in Hot Licks when he was like 19 he was great.

Totally agree, of all the code unawares in the instructional world, i think filbert does the best. Petruccis Rock Discipline was pretty badass as well. though.

Bill, I’m pretty sure the high e on the upbeat of beat 3 is played with un upstroke. He keeps it outside picked.