So I checked the Pick Grip Poll. It was interesting, but I still have some Q’s on the subtleties. I have used every pick grip style on there. I mainly wrist motion and the picking angle/pad or angle/far knuckle (more curl on bigger pick).
So for my usual Fender Heavy or Tortex. Gripping these, works well with the thumb’s side fairly close to the tip of pick and plenty of curl on the index, helps for control… However, CRAPPY for speed in regards to alt picking patterns several strings… aka cross-picking.
So, since I am new, I started on this primer, learned pop-tart, to tempo and then worked the STERN alt. arpeggio-like, lick on youtube, @Troy posted weeks ago. I found flipping my wrist for the upward pick slant, with my grip ( albeit usually effective) tedious. I was also, at times, trying to go faster, missed reaching the B string ( downstroke) and the G string ( upstroke).
So dug out my Jazz III’s and tried to copy Troy’s picking grip, leaving a generous amount of the tip of the pick. Now, I felt the tip catching that B and G string better… However, for me, alt picking on arpeggios has always the bane of guitar practicing, so I don’t do it much… If I do it, I usually use economy picking. I found myself naturally picking D U on the E and U on the B and U on the G string.
The upward pick slant seems unnatural for my wrist, but it does improve with more tip of the pick exposed.
In general, the grip feels pinched (angle/pad) using a Jazz III, and like it could fall a lot easier, but I can work on that… What I hope Troy can weigh in on, is when doing the Stern lick fast, upon observation, (given he is using an angle/pad grip) - how much curl on the index is there ? How far down towards the tip in the tip of the index finger? Is the tip of the pick facing exactly towards the body of the guitar or is the tip ever slightly pushed forward (toward neck pickup) ? Maybe Troy would be kind enough to post various photos?