Picking Technique of Yngwie's Arpeggios from Hell

Right at 0:35 I’m having a tough time with that particular sequence, as it’s a single note per string, going back and forth between strings. It’s looking like he’s doing economy picking there, but even after trying that, it’s a tough one because the down stroke of the economy ends up outside of the string above it that you have to hit…

When I alternate pick it (which Tina S does in her version), you end up with a sequence like:
outside picking -> inside picking -> outside picking -> inside picking as you ascend to the high strings. The inside picking sequence I can’t get to speed, I just can’t get it clean (even after practicing string escaping with 2-way pick slanting, I guess I just need to practice it more?)

I’m not sure which I should really focus on… They both seem equally freaking hard. If it’s economy that Yngwie is doing there, he really makes it look effortless as hell – very minimal movement.



looks like lots of inside picking

dunno, if u slow it down to .5 or even .25 it appears he IS doing upstrokes too

the saving grace is that its not THAT fast for his standards

some suggested pickstrokes here, I havent tried it yet

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Hey, thanks for that! I tried the suggested picking pattern there and it is much more doable now.

Where is the full version of that embedded document at the end of your post??

EDIT: Nevermind, found it at musescore, and unfortunately it’s not the whole thing. Oh well, thanks for helping me figure out the strokes!


My question is what fingerings would you use.

Left hand and right hand technique I’m using exactly the same as the embedded document above for the specific part in question (where it goes from 9-9-9-9-8-9-8-7) – the fingerings are the same as Yngwie’s on that part, though at the very beginning this document is suggesting something different, which I don’t do.

You will have more luck using anytune+ when in doubt. Often the suggested positions are wrong, and worse the notes are wrong. Yet to find a source of tabs that are spot on, paid or not.

I find there are song signature moments and the grey areas you could approximate.

I’m no expert but this is what I’ve been realising the more I try.