Pickslanting Primer content

Hi there,
Not sure if this is the right place to post this, so please redirect me to the correct place if this is wrong. I am thinking of purchasing the pickslanting primer, as I want to understand better what I currently do when picking, and what i’m doing wrong and how I can improve. Will the pickslanting primer help with this? And what kind of content does it include? Also, does it cover 2 way pickslanting?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Hi. Yeah the pickslanting primer is the recommended product for everything you mentioned. It is designed to be viewed in the order the chapters/videos are presented as many concepts build on top of each other. It is very in-depth.

The other thing you can do, whether you purchase it or not, is film your self and submit a technique critique. That would get you some immediate answers on what if anything you are doing wrong. It’s crowd sourced by people here on the forum, though Troy and his team will often give feedback on them too, all free :slight_smile:

If you opt for a ‘membership’ instead of the primer, you’ll get full access to everything in the primer (and everything on the site…interviews, seminars etc) but the access lasts only as long as your membership is active. Purchasing the primer on its own is a one time purchase, your access lasts for life AND if Troy adds new chapters, you get those for free. Perks either way, so up to you what works best. I prefer memberships myself. The other nice thing about the membership is you can submit a technique critique on the platform and you’ll get guaranteed feedback from either Troy or someone else on his team.

It’s hours of high quality and thorough video examples of Troy explaining everything there is to know about guitar picking and giving demonstrations of the various picking setups and techniques. This includes licks/musical examples. It’s really the core ‘cracking the code’ product. Everything you can imagine about picking, from the type/shape/material of pick, to the grip you use to hold it, to what muscles/joints you use to move the pick back and forth and all implications of each choice. There isn’t one correct way to do things, but each correct way will have some requirements.

Taking a step back, the immediate goal of the primer is not necessarily getting you to pick like your favorite player (though all information to get you there IS present). It works best when you use it to help you understand what picking motion(s) you are already good at - even if you don’t yet have one :slight_smile: It will teach about all the ways you can move your pick and what implications come with each method. Once you get the feeling of what effortless and efficient picking feels like, then you can branch out and try some of the other motions if you’d like (though you may be surprised plenty awesome players have just one main picking motion and exploit it for all it’s worth)

Also, just to temper expectations, the primer is not a series of exercises (though it will supply plenty exercise examples). Also there are plenty of free licks and etudes available on Troy’s site. Just pointing that out since some people expect that just based on what they have seen elsewhere on the internet. It is more a series of super detailed concepts and once you get into it it should make sense why it isn’t just a bunch of exercises - because depending on what picking motion you are using, drastically different patterns are/aren’t playable. By the time you are done the primer (or even sooner) you’ll have all the tools you need to make up your own licks, or just ask around on the forum and plenty of people will be happy to give numerous examples of phrases they like that adhere to the various escape motions.

Lastly, yes the primer covers 2-way pickslanting but it isn’t really called that anymore. It’s now under the umbrella of mixed escape or double escape - depending if the escapes are mostly one direction but the other escape direction is needed occasionally (i.e. mixed escape) or if all the pick strokes are ‘curved’ (i.e. double escape aka DBX).

Anyway, sorry for the long post. I hope it helps you decide on how to proceed. If you have more specific questions let me know and I’ll try to answer them (hopefully more concisely than I’ve done here lol)


Great, thanks for the detailed reply, that is really helpful! :slight_smile:

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Thx for asking the question which if never asked is unlikely answered. And for the thorough answer which is helpful. Ive listened to as many videos from Troy (especially like an interview he gave pointing out many references to his quest for identifying picking issues) as possible and have been wondering where the treasure trove of concepts can be had. While it appears the Primer is the way to go Ive bought so many products I feel its important to ask the obvious.

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Any advice on how to do that? Like, is there a recommended way to do that for those that don’t have the nifty magnet mount things?

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We’ve seen everything from people just standing a camera phone at the right height/placement on a desk, to getting a friend to film. Troy mentioned the great idea of buying a selfie stick and putting that in a traditional tripod and positioning that where you want it. The magnet is cool though I’m glad I got in on the kickstarter

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Extensive instructions right here!