I think my next round of GAS will be about replacing pickups and tuners in my Chapman ML1:
It is S-S-H with coil tap, the available options with the stock wiring are a bit weird but I like them (given by a 3-position switch and a coil tap):
(S= single coil or coil split bridge, H = humbucker)
Tap off:
- 1 neck S
- 2 neck S + bridge H
- 3 bridge H
Tap on:
- 1 neck S + middle S
- 2 neck S + middle S + bridge S
- 3 middle S + bridge S
I think I’d like to go for passive pickups. Strat-style for the single coils, but perhaps with a little less treble than your usual Fender. For the bridge HB I have no idea, but I generally like more warm sounds VS “cutting” ones. Anyway, I’m curious to hear any suggestions.
For the lock-in tuners, just fire away any suggestions you might have!
Thanks all,