Pop Tart Lick Question:

Ok, this has been bugging me for a while now, so I decided to look completely stupid and ask this question anyways.

On Troy’s famous Pop Tart lick…specifically the view of it at 0:33 in the video, to my ears, it sounds like there are multiple pick strikes for each finger movement and the speed is actually more attributed to the rapid picking and not one pick strike per finger movement.

Regardless of whether I am right or wrong, can someone straighten this out for me???

I’m working on this lick at the moment! It is definitely one pick stroke per finger movement. Troy plays it with very high precision so maybe it is that effect you are noticing? I’m not sure what video you are referring to - can you post it and we can take a look?

Thanks for the reply!!!

The best image of the lick appears at 0:33

Hi @VonHerndon

I have listened and they sound flawless to me. One picked note per finger movement. There is some sound effects going on in the video that may be obscuring what you hear?

Regardless, this is a great lick to learn and glad you are investigating it! I think it is a great lick for alternate picking :slight_smile:

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Cool lick, does anyone have a tab?

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Agreed!!! Excited to get that information!!!


That’s great many thanks for sharing.


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Until just now, I always though the pop tart lick was the simple pull off lick he played when talking about the pop tarts.

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