Position Shit Arpeggio

Shifting positions is hard and error prone. This particular lick is top three string arpeggios, but even still, error prone.

What other groups are there for discussing technique? Ideally somewhere with high s/n ratio and censorship-free.

I’m not sure what sort of censorship you would expect to run into discussing arpeggio positions.


Some admins may be inclined to correct the typo “position shit” in the title. But I think it’s so beautiful that I can’t bring myself to do it :slight_smile:

@GTR, as for the arpeggios, seems to me you are playing them fine! What feedback are you seeking in particular? Only thing I would suggest is to try and play them with the “Yngwie” system (U - pulloff - U - D - D - D). In my opinion this makes the picking hand much simpler, so that you can solely focus on nailing the tricky position shifts with the fretting hand.

EDIT: here’s the Yngwie 3-string arpeggios explanation:


Lol good man! It did make me chuckle too!

I thought these sounded great.