Practice Amp recommendations

I’m interested in getting a practice amp for home use. My budget is in between $100-200. I would like it to be able to support pedals like distortion, reverb, delay, compression, etc. so that I can have various tones (clean vs distorted) for different styles- Jazz (Swing, Bop,), Blues, Rock.

My guitar is an Ibanez Artcore 73 Semihollow with D’addario Flatwound Strings 11-49.

What do you guys recommend?

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I’m a big fan of my little Boss Katana. You can get a super cheap lunchbox version of the amp. Great bedroom-hero tone and it has onboard delay and three gain levels (clean/crunch/brown sound) and it weight all of 2 pounds


Yamaha THR10 would be my recommendation


I have a Roland Cube 10 which I think is great. The Cube 30 might be more to your tastes as it has a bigger speaker.