I’m not aware of any, though I’m sure there must be some.
Generally, I believe that if you learn imitate the method, you can imitate the results. Shawn’s playing is difficult to analyze. Very little high quality video is available, and he almost always wore sleeves (to cover his psoriasis).
Shawn’s method was quite idiosyncratic to him, so I was unable to make solid conclusions about his mechanics from other players. I was mislead by some visual cues, and I though for a while that it was most likely an elbow movement. That explained the capability for speed. Some study on Power Licks made me realize that many of Shawn’s sequences could be swiped, so I came to the mistaken conclusion that Shawn’s playing was based on systematic swiping, similar to Jorge Strunz (who uses a similar grip).
However, I had a lot of difficulty getting any of Shawn’s sequences to feel natural with an elbow driven movement. I knew I was missing something.
Then, I had a shoulder injury on my picking arm. The elbow movement was painful to practice, so I left it aside and put more work into understanding fretting mechanics.
I came back to the problem with fresh eyes after the injury. I studied the anatomy of the forearm, and I decided that a dart-thrower action with some subtle rotation was a feasible solution.
After training the movement, I am totally convinced that the dart-thrower action is the answer.