Hi all,
Recently I decided to start sitting down when practicing, with the guitar on my left leg (I’m right handed). I used to always practice standing up and because of that, or maybe helped by that, I developed some bad habits. Sitting down seemed to give a better idea of where the hand should be.
Anyway, I’m having major issues with pick point. When practicing metal rhythm in particular, just alternate picking on the low E, the pick point very quickly points towards the bridge. Which would be no big deal if it just stopped there. But it keeps moving until I’ve little or no pick left. The articulation suffers and also I’ll end up hitting the string with my thumb, muting it, as the pick continues to rotate. This all happens very quickly, meaning it’s not something I can just ignore and adjust the pick when needed as I’d need to adjust it after just a few bars.
I tested out different grips to see if they would make a difference and so far no, they don’t. I cannot figure out what could be causing this and it’s driving me mad at this stage lol.
This does happen with lead playing also, but currently I just practice in bursts and when playing adjust the pick every chance I get. But I can’t get away with it in metal rhythm when I need to play a stream of 16th notes for a long time.
Has anyone had issues with pick point or can anyone suggest why this might be happening. I literally can’t play much of anything right now because of where the pick ends up
Any help greatly appreciated as always.