Hey Guys,
I’m a USX player and I’ve been working on incorporating sweeping/economy/directional (whatever the proper term is) for licks that go down and trying to change my pickslant so that I can escape on the downstroke when changing strings in the upward direction. I feel like I’m making decent progress on the sweeps but am still struggling a lot with the DSX. So I keep thinking, maybe this isn’t the way for me and maybe I should incorporate pull-offs for these scenarios instead. Even though I won’t be picking every single note like I’d like, it would still be a big improvement. But then I realize, that doesn’t work for everything.
In the example below, how can I pick the second D# on the G string without changing my pickslant and without getting trapped? Is the only option here for me to swipe it immediately after hitting it or is there something that I’m missing?