Questions About My Picking Motion!

OK… , I’ve been working hard for a while to read the Picking Motion part, which is basically free of charge, and watch the video to figure out what my Picking Motion is. So I’d like to ask if I checked correctly and if there’s anything wrong. I also have a few more questions.

First of all, I think my main escape motion is DSX, especially like Andy Wood’s DSX Motion. The degree of slanting is very minimal, and I don’t think Edge Picking is that much either.

I think this is natural and comfortable for me to play, but I’m curious how you feel when you see it. First of all, I think my pickings are similar to Andy and Al Di Meola, and I think the degree of Slanting and Edge Pickings are minimal. But I wonder if I analyzed it correctly. Especially in Slanting and Edge Picking. I don’t know exactly what level we’re using these two elements.

Next, I want to Talk about my USX Motion.

Of course, I think my main motion is dsx, but when I tested it with Tremolo picking, I think I fit well with USX as well. Eric Johnson, who I admire the most, is also a USX player, so I think my practice of his phrases since before has had an impact. Not as much as the DSX, but with pretty good speed and stability, it was possible to pick Tremol. As expected, there was no strain on the wrist or forearm. What I’m curious about here is the degree of Slanting and Edge Picking, just like in DSX. Like I did with the DSX, the USX seems to be using a very shallow escape. So the degree of DWPS is very small. The degree of UWPS in the DSX is also almost invisible or less than 10°, but the degree of DWPS in the USX is also very small, making it difficult to observe, and probably between 10° and 15°. Because of this, I think the escape is shallow. Edge Picking is more difficult to understand than in DSX. But I think it’s also using a small level of Edge Picking, just like DSX. The lesser level I’m talking about here is Leading Edge Picking, which is 45° or less angle (I think I’m probably between 30° and 45°). I think i use almost wrist motion in USX, there is slightly light Supination maybe. So, I keep slightly light Supination and use mainly wrist motion. But i can’t sure that…

What I want to ask about usx is the same as dsx. Additionally, I’d like to ask you if the motion of the usx I’m doing is a good motion (because I didn’t really see an example of a shallow usx with a small level of dwps in picking motion sector).

Okay, so the last topic is the transition between dsx and usx. It might be a bit unfamiliar, but to put it simply, you can think of it as a dsx move and then change it to usx. I wanted to quickly convert these two movements, and I did my research with the feeling that both my dsx and usx show shallow escape angles and draw minor trajectories, so I could make the transition between them as fast as I could. In conclusion, I realized that I could simply change the path at the end of the peak. It changes the angle of the diagonal where the peak moves. To do this, it takes very little arm movement, and the wrist doesn’t move very much, but simply changes the direction of the peak to change the path (as I said before, I thought that my Pick Slanting was low for both of my USX and DSX to make shallow escape, so I just had to tilt the peak slightly). I’ll bring the video…

In the video, I start with usx and then switch back to dsx and then back to usx and i repeat it. I think my Slanted Degree is more higher in USX than DSX. In DSX, I merely see the Pick’s Slanting but in USX, I can se Slanted Pick’s Orientation about 10°~15°. Please take a look and tell me how it is! Or if you have any videos, tips, or advice about this transition between usx and dsx, feel free to tell me! In the meantime, I’ll do more research and post it on this topic. I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you. :slight_smile:

As for escape motion transitions, I’ve created some interesting topics. I think that the pick slanting is determined naturally by the escape motion, so in order to change the escape motion, I thought that the of pick’s trajectory should be changed by changing the orientation of the pick appropriately.

As a result of continuing my research on this, I had an interesting idea about Palm Heels.

I think this concept is related to Secondary Motion maybe.

I will upload my notion and idea about it soon!