Quickest way to enter alternate pickstrokes in Guitar Pro?

Hey All,

Is anyone aware of a clever trick / shortcut to fill a guitar pro tab with alternate Down-Up pickstrokes?

I’ll show you the (very inefficient) way that I’d do this. For N notes, it takes about N+1 steps. Not great. It would be awesome if there was a shortcut or a script that did this with a single action.

How I do it for now:

I select a bunch of adjacent notes and press “Shift D” to make them all downstrokes. So this:


becomes this:


Then, we can manually select and change the 2nd note into an upstroke by pressing “Shift U”:

Finally, we change the 4th note into U as well

I was having this problem with soundslice on mobile or tablet, but its a bit easier on a pc or laptop. Its grueling on mobile.

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I just recently started doing a hack:
Have a template saved that’s just alt strokes on one string or something. Copy from that doc and paste into the new before you enter the pitches.

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EDIT: OK found a solution via Apple Automator. Will share details in a sec, but in the meantime this is the java script for applying “Down Up” to two consecutive notes in guitar pro, and then moving the cursor to the next note after the upstroke:

function run(input, parameters) {
    var se = Application('System Events');

    se.keystroke('d', {using: ['shift down']});
    se.keystroke('u', {using: ['shift down']});

    return input;

Thanks both! After a little more research I am pretty sure there is no default shortcut for this.

However, for Mac users I found this tutorial that I think will sort me out — useful beyond alternate picking on guitar pro :slight_smile:

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I’ve been badly wanting something like this for other uses, will check out, thanks!

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Oooh cool so…I just saw a list of features for the new Guitar Pro 8, via email, honestly I’m not sure how I was ‘selected’ as a beta tester but there’s some really cool stuff they’ve got cooking

There’s a new ‘command line’ feature and for this issue I believe you basically select ‘pickstrokes’ and can type in the command like dudududud or whatever strokes you like.

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lol I just started really embracing Frank Gambale style sweep/speed picking. lol It really cuts down on the amount of alternate pickstrokes I have to do, ergo less entering of down up down up hahaha

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