Sorry! I was responding to Joao, I didn’t use the reply button. And I didn’t see your response when I was writing mine, crossed in the mail.
You have an Explorer-style body? If so, that seems to be the ticket to getting muting to work while flexed. Otherwise you end up with a Gypsy type form, which can still to the wrist motion, but you might not be able to mute the strings at the same time.
There are a lot of variables, it’s a cool subject that has sort of remained undercover due to the niche nature of the genre. But there are definitely commonalities among all these players. Terrance Hobbs does the flex:
It looks all wrist for lead playing. But I can’t tell if he’s getting muting. Just from general appearance, this looks a little more like a DSX motion, similar to the Primer. But I’m just guessing, we’d need closer video.
Btw I ran into him recently when visiting Teemu at a Megadeth show and got his email. We’ll try to set something up, if he’s interested.