Right arm tricep tension when moving position w/ left hand?


I’ve noticed when I move position with my left hand, my right tricep tenses up if I’m trying to play fast. I’m currently working on practising in speed bursts to try and figure out if I can make the tension happen later on (currently it happens around 70pm 16th notes), but I’ve run out of sessions with my physiotherapist and short of paying for private treatment, I’ll have to wait 4-6 months for another referral, and I don’t have a private guitar teacher right now.

If I just alternate pick with my right hand, either an open string or a single note, or even a group of notes in one position, I can play much faster before the tension starts. But as soon as I move my left hand, it kicks in. I think it might be because my right forearm is resting on the guitar body, and as my left hand moves down the neck, its adjusting the weight distribution, but I don’t know how to go about trying to fix it. Anyone have any ideas? Or experienced something similar?

It would be nice to see your posture when you’re playing. It may be related with that stuff.
Do you use classical position (guitar on your left leg) or ‘couch’ one (guitar on your left leg)?

I have some tension in my biceps+triceps when playing above 220…230 bpm tremolo, btw. Though it’s controlled and don’t hinder much

Have you tried the body awareness stuff? Once the muscle tenses, stop playing, purposely tense that muscle for 2-3 seconds then let go of the tension and keep playing. I understand it’s brain-training thing…so time, consistency and patience.