Okay, so I have been really working hard on getting my playing together following some new (to me) rules/guidelines. Just playing one lick bores me to tears - I really love creating a piece of music that focuses on the challenges at hand. One thing that’s nice is that for the most part I understand the CTC terminology and how it applies to my own playing. Thanks Tom G and Troy G for your patience. At some point I will be ready for a MIM membership and then I’ll really get this technical side of playing better dialled in! Also, I realize now, that it’s not too bad of a starting point, and I definitely am of the opinion that being a single escape player isn’t so bad! There’s an entire universe of cool stuff out there to explore!
hahaha This is far from perfect, and it pretty much sucks all over the place but there’s a glimmer of hope here and there and because of that I wanted to share it. Hopefully y’all can suffer through the many clams and my dog$#@% improv moments! hahaha nasty!
Okay, so it’s a combination of applying a bunch of the stuff Tom Gilroy and I have discussed over the last couple of months, and me sussing through a lot of CTC material that I’ve collected as well as 40+ years of practice, playing and study not to mention music school education. it can’t all get used, so I have really been focused on pentatonic stuff! the main theme is basically a pentatonic 5’s thing; one pass ascending and descending as straight 16ths, then as odd note groupings of 5:4. The “verse” is a kind of improvised bit punctuated by a 6ths thing, one time ascending, another descending. Then there’s a Gmaj7 arpeggio (again sequenced in 5’s using the same concept as my pentatonic 5’s) followed by a sequenced descending Dmajor arpeggio. First ending is an F#min7b5 arpeggio, second ending is a pentatonic arpeggio cluster$#%@$ hahaha The whole thing is diatonic to Gmajor/Eminor - 1# (F#) in the key signature - well there IS those bum notes in there that may reside outside of the key signature…
Okay, now let me begin my 3 part apology for that guitar solo - I’m still not quite 100% on what the heck I want to play so i sort of just went for it. hahahaha Crash and BUUUUUUUUUURN! Also, there’s some of Tom Gilroy’s EDC licks in there, but I am still defaulting to old fingering habits. I am confident that the more music I make using this stuff the better it will get.
Also, I gotta say - How the eff do you guys do such solid playthroughs? I must have played this 300 times and finally I just took the one that was consistently competent sounding… OK, have a great day guys. Feel free to get right mean about my playing!