The Stylus pick, as I understand it, was designed to actually make it hard to play if you used more than the tiniest amount of pick on the string. The ridge on the pick was supposed to grab the string and stick, to telegraph that you were using “too much pick”. In other words, this was more of a training wheels type device. You’re supposed to use this to learn “tiny pick depth”. At least that’s how the instruction manual read to me.
From the Hiland video, it appears that he’s saying you intentionally contact the Runbarr device with the pick and slide along it. This way you don’t have to manage your pick depth manually. In other words, he’s implying it’s not training wheels, it’s a thing you actually attach permanently because it makes sweep type playing easier. I could be interpreting that wrong but that’s the impression I’m getting from the clip.
The Sik Pik I can say for certain is intended for everyday use. It’s supposed to give you more edge picking. In reality if the amount of edge picking you already use is what you’re shooting for, then all this is going to do is screw that up. However if you are most comfortable in a position that does not have much edge picking, and you want more without changing your hand position, then this can do that. They offer the pick in various degree increments that you need to match up to your hand position to arrive at the desired degree of edge picking.