Scale Diagram .pdf Files for Teachers and Students

Hi Everybody,

Some time ago, I made some scale shape diagrams (in LaTeX using TikZ). I thought they might be helpful for teachers and students here, so I’ve decided to share them.

2 Note Per String Pentatonic Shapes
pentatonic_complete.pdf (10.9 KB)
pentatonic_jumbo.pdf (12.8 KB)

3 Note Per String Major Scale Shapes
3nps_bw_complete.pdf (16.9 KB)
3nps_bw_jumbo.pdf (20.2 KB)

“CAGED” Major Scale Shapes (Jimmy Bruno’s Five Pictures)
5_shapes_bw_complete.pdf (11.7 KB)
5_shapes_bw_jumbo.pdf (13.6 KB)

I’ve also made all the major scale shapes in colour, which some people may prefer.

3nps_col_complete.pdf (17.6 KB)
3nps_col_jumbo.pdf (20.9 KB)
5_shapes_col_complete.pdf (12.2 KB)
5_shapes_col_jumbo.pdf (14.1 KB)
spectrum_solfege.pdf (21.2 KB)

Any feedback on how they might be improved is welcomed, most of the work in making these is done, and most changes can be made quickly.


LaTeX and guitar, what’s not to like :smiley:


I think documents typset in LaTeX just look so much cleaner generally, and there’s a simple elegance to diagrams or graphs made in TikZ. That might just be my biases, but I find the aesthetic pleasing.

EDIT: Here’s two more. These show how the five CAGED patterns each contain three minor pentatonic boxes. This will be something I will refer to in a upcoming write up on Eric Johnson. I call this the “pentatonic patchwork.”

patchwork_complete.pdf (22.3 KB)
patchwork_col_complete.pdf (22.7 KB)


Here’s a few more. These are the “unison” shapes for the major scale, involving the doubled note between the G and B strings. Some of these shapes appear very frequently in Holdsworth’s and Lane’s playing.

unison_shapes_bw_complete.pdf (16.4 KB)
unison_shapes_bw_jumbo.pdf (19.6 KB)
unison_shapes_col_complete.pdf (17.1 KB)
unison_shapes_col_jumbo.pdf (20.3 KB)


[Click Click Click Click Click Click Click etc…]

All downloaded. Thanks @Tom_Gilroy :slight_smile: